In an attempt to do something different and to stay out of the extreme heat we have been having, we decided to spend the day at the skating rink. Trent invited some friends and off we went! Next time we plan to invite more people with more notice! It was so much fun!! We spent 4 hours there and they never once asked me if it was time to go! I was able to sit and enjoy visiting with a friend and reading my book in the A/C. It was GREAT! We even scored by having buy one get one free coupons. I think I spent around 15 dollars total and the kids all had loads of snacks and cold water.
I know this first picture is blurry, but you can see Trent getting up off the floor where he spent a lot of time. He hasn't skated in years! He informed me toward the end of the day that he needed pads, especially for his bum. I think he was quite sore when we left.
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