Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trent's 1st Orchestra Concert

When each of our children have begun junior high we have allowed them to choose which Fine Arts elective they want to take. Elizabeth chose choir and continued with choir until she graduated from high school. Eyn chose band and played the saxophone for two years before deciding it wasn't what he wanted to pursue and chose to only be in sports. Trent has chosen orchestra and is now playing the cello. It is a beautiful instrument! I never knew how much I enjoyed listening to it until the past several months. Once Trent chose the cello its amazing how much we have heard others playing it in performances. The sound it produces is incredible and I'm excited that Trent loves it!! He knows how to play the piano so he has actually been taking his piano music and transposing it so he can play it on his cello. We are always hearing him play it in his room!
The Beckendorff Junior High Orchestra held their first concert on the 24th of October. They did a superb job!!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome Back!! You guys have been busy!! I love all the picture!! :-)
