Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Seven Lakes High School Choir Banquet

May 15th - Choir Banquet
We were able to attend Elizabeth's Choir Banquet. It was held at a very nice country club and the tickets were $32 per person. Luckily, Seniors were free so Darin and I just had to purchase tickets. In years past either Darin or I attended but considering it was Elizabeth's last year and that they honor the seniors we both "had to" go. It was a wonderful evening! It was by far the best choir banquet! The food was delish and the program was great! It was a little emotional at times during the program, but we really enjoyed the evening.
The pictures are out of order that they were taken, but it will do. :)

This is Elizabeth and Mr. Carter - the head Choir Director. All I can say is that he is the best director we could have ever asked for! Elizabeth has been in his top choir since her freshman year and absolutely has learned so much from him!! Photo Op on the staircase leading into the ballroom where the banquet was held.
Elizabeth and a few of her choir friends.
Elizabeth and Mrs. Cooper - the assistant choir director. This was her 2nd year at Seven Lakes and she is loved by everyone! One wonderful thing about Mrs. Cooper is that she is also Sister Cooper! She is in our Stake at church and the youth have worked with her in the Stake Youth Choir. She is such a wonderful example and has really been a wonderful addition to our choir program! It's great because we'll still get to see her around!
Darin with his flowers he received for the work he's done on the Choir Website. He has helped with it for the past 3 years and is happy to now pass it on to the next person.
Elizabeth with Mr. Carter when he was spotlighting her. He told about how out of all of his students he has really seen her grow and mature over the past 4 years. She was in tears as he spoke about her. She will really miss the choir program!
Elizabeth and Mr. Carter again during her spotlight. He had each senior come forward to be spotlighted. While they were there they had a baby picture, an embarrassing picture, and a present picture come up on the screen. We were one of only a handful of families who had been in the SLHS choir program since the beginning of the school 4 years ago.
It has been a joy to be a part of such a wonderful program in such a great high school. We will miss it.

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