Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Ike Service Project

Each year before the Relief Society General Broadcast session our Stake puts on a special dinner for all the women in our Stake. It has become quite a big thing for the women here! Considering we were still recovering from hurricane Ike we decided to do a service project instead. Our incredible Stake Relief Society president came up with the fabulous idea of thanking the first responders in our area. We gathered all the women in our stake and made 50 "Sunshine" Baskets and then the next day sisters from all over the stake took these baskets to various locations to express appreciation for all that they had done and continue to do. It was an amazing event! We are constantly trying to find ways to bridge the community with the church and this was perfect! Baskets were delivered to various fire stations, police stations, hospitals, red cross shelters, the Houston and Galveston Mayors. The outpouring of love put into each basket could be felt in the room as they were assembled because each one of us there had been affected by the hurricane one way or another and are so grateful for those who put their lives on hold to go out and help others in need.

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