Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Eyn's Basketball Injury

Last week was quite the trying week in our home. While I was sitting in the doctors office for myself on Thursday I received one of those phone calls you just don't want to get. It was the High School Basketball coach letting me know that Eyn had hurt his elbow and it was quite swollen and probably needed to get checked out. Well, after several unsuccessful x-rays we were referred to a orthopedic specialist/surgeon. (Eyn couldn't bend his arm at all so they had a hard time getting a good x-ray) Well, Darin took him yesterday while I was in San Antonio and found out that he has fractured a bone in there and that particular bone helps control his wrist. If it does not heal correctly then he would have difficulty with it the rest of his life. So, he wants to go in and operate and put screws in it. He said that it will heal quickly and that he will be fine to do all the sports his heart desires. So.. He wanted to do surgery on Wednesday but considering I'm having surgery that day Darin didn't think he could handle two in one day at separate locations. He is scheduled for his next Monday. The doctor was very positive about the outcome. Eyn won't be able to play basketball for a while, but the doctor said that playing basketball will be what he wants him to do to get the strength back in it. Eyn is one tough kid and seeing him injured has been hard. He is one to jump back up and keep going. He actually tried to do that, but it didn't work. The coach at the high school was great and I really appreciated him and the others there who helped Eyn. He'll be back on the court before we know it.

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